Sad But Rad: Wear Your Label

It’s okay to be sad.


Recognizing this and truly believing in it can have a strong impact on how you mange your sad days. Tell yourself that it’s okay to have a bad day. It’s okay to want to curl up in bed and watch Netflix for hours. It’s okay to turn off your phone and ignore the world.

But don’t forget the balance. Taking a day to yourself might be just what your mind and body need to rejuvenate – but not leaving your bed for weeks on end isn’t the answer.

Own your sad days.

“1 in 5 people live with mental illness, but 5 in 5 have mental health. So why aren’t we talking about it?”

That’s exactly what the creators of Wear Your Label are saying. Kayley and Kyle were both suffering from mental health concerns when they teamed up to fight the stigma of mental illness though fashion. And it’s brilliant.

Through clever sayings on t shirts and tank tops, Wear Your Label encourages those struggling with their mental health to take ownership of the conversation and not let the stigma define them.

Wear Your Label is living art fighting mental illness one t shirt at a time.

And they’re rad.